So it is that time of the month again! My fairy loot box arrived yesterday morning at half past eight. It actually woke me up in the middle of a lie in after a late shift at work. The guy could not have banged on the door any harder. Anyway, once I got ahold of the parcel, I tried to leave it on the floor and curl up in bed again. However, excitement got the better of me and I opened it. As usual, I wasn't disappointed and it was totally worth a lack of sleep.
So, the theme for this months box was 'emperors and fugitives' and Fairyloot made use of quite a few YA novels this month. Their list of influences and inspirations included Guardians of the Galaxy, Rebel of the Sands, and Illuminae. I'll just state now that I have seen Guardians of the Galaxy once, and haven't read either of the novels. But in the spirit of adventure I decided to continue with my subscription and let the box be delivered.
I absolutely love opening the box and seeing it packed full of purple paper curls, with everything buried beneath them. The element of surprise with these boxes is wonderful. So, the first item that I unpackaged was a very pink and glittery bath bomb. It was called Celestial Gunpowder! I now have a small collection of bathbombs and I am so excited to use it! Okay, next we had a funko pop keyring resembling dancing Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. The best parts of that film were
Following this was a coaster that had a quote on, from Illuminae. It says 'she is a catalyst, she is chaos. I can see why he loves her'. It is beautiful and of a really good quality. I'm saving it for when I move house at the end of the month, though. Fairy loot included another quote item in this months box. It was a pouch featuring a quote from Rebel of the Sands, and reads 'the world makes things for each place'. I love the sentiment; the idea that everything is just as it is meant to be. I'm officially putting the novel on my to be read list because of this lovely pouch.
Other items in the February box included a space girl book mark, a signed letter from the author of this months book, and a beautiful double-sided print of Throne of Glass couple Manon and Dorian. My photos show the Manon side, but they're both amazing!

Okay, this brings me to this months Fairy Loot book. We have Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza. Now I have heard nothing about this book, unlike Caraval from last month, I haven't googled it today or searched it on Goodreads and the blurb is really vague. So I know next to nothing about this novel but I'm planning to start this tonight, after finishing Wintersong, and I cannot wait.
I thought I'd include a picture of everything that came in this months box and the pretty cover of this book:
I finished work at half past three this afternoon and I have a to- do list as long as my arm! I have books to read for university and essay plans to do. Despite this, I am actually pretty happy that careers week is over and I have classes at university tomorrow.
I got quite a few recommendations after my request a couple of posts ago. Matt Haig's Reasons to Stay Alive was recommended and I seriously need to get around to finishing it. It is a book that made me feel anxious, all the way through. However, I loved it. Matt Haig has a wonderful style. A friend dropped round a couple of books to my house the other day. These were Forgive me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick and Swear on this Life by Renee Carlino and I am so excited to start them. They both sound great.
Another recommendation was Bridget Christie. Now I googled her, and found her quite interesting and I found this extract from her book A Book for Her on the Guardian's website. She is hilarious, and brilliant. Pay day is next week, and I know I'll end up ordering this book.
I hope you have a lovely week guys and I hope you enjoyed this unboxing!
See you soon!
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