I have so many books that I want to read over the summer, too. How about a list;
1. I really want to finish my reading of Jane Austen's books, which means that I have Mansfield Park and Persuasion to read, at last.
2. Sarah J Maas' A Court of Rings and Ruin comes out on the second of May, and yet the threat of impending deadlines will prevent me from actually reading this book. So technically, this book will be a summer read.
3. The new Matt Haig book. I loved what I have read of Reasons to Stay Alive and the summary for his new book sounds absolutely amazing.
4. Finishing Sylvia Plath's journals is an absolute must! I've been putting them on my appallingly long to be read list for months now. I cannot wait to finish them, but they require my full concentration. I don't get much time for reading these days.
Summer is going to be crazy, in the best kind of way. I'm just looking forward to a break and some sun!
(Wondering what we meant by 'learn a movie script? Well Chels happens to know the entire script to Shrek 2. Horse noises and everything. It's a impressive skill!)
On a side note; I am currently sat in my lecture on very little sleep. We are exhausted and as it is the last class before the Easter holidays, hardly anybody has shown up. This makes me sad. But back to Paradise Lost.
Hope you're all having a great week and if you have any suggestions of things we can add to the list, please feel free!
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